Ultimate Marketing Automation Statistics and More Marketing Automation News

The term “marketing automation” is very much in vogue today among marketers the world over. More marketers than ever before are implementing marketing automation to maximize the value of their data, improve engagements, and effectively measure effectiveness.

So with that I give you this week’s Friday Five: Marketing Automation.

The Ultimate Marketing Automation statistics overview

The field of Marketing Automation is growing at an astonishing rate. Looking for insight into the current state of Marketing Automation, the market and statistics on adoption and use, I compiled a list of all (useful) available statistics.

Read the full story on emailmonday.

3 Trending Advancements in Marketing Automation

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “marketing automation” before. In today’s business world, it’s a buzzword that has been dissected and analyzed hundreds of times. And for good reason, too. According to a Forrester report, 58% of all top performing companies use marketing automation softwares to aid their marketing efforts.

Read the full story on Social Media Explorer.

Out With the Old Email Marketing and In With the New Marketing Automation

Sending an email blast to your entire database, failing to target your audience, or emailing without permission are just a few examples of email marketing tactics that are not only dated but also unwanted, and likely to get your company blacklisted.

Read the full story on Business 2 Community.

The seven deadly sins of mobile marketing automation

Mobile is the most transformative shift in marketing ever — a spiritual sea change that has savvy marketers singing hallelujah in praise of its tremendous potential to drive revenue. Our recent webinar, “Mobile marketing fails,” draws from new, data-rich reports from VentureBeat Insight, plus vital learnings from Marissa Tarleton, CMO of RetailMeNot, and VentureBeat director of technology Stewart Rogers.

Read the full story on Venture Beat.

Analysis: The Force is Not Strong in Star Wars’ Marketing Automation System

With its record breaking opening [a few weeks ago], it seems like the whole world has seen the new Star Wars movie. But don’t worry, this post will not include any movie spoilers. And while it might seem like a lazy blog post that connects Star Wars to marketing automation, this is actually about a real example. Not from the Star Wars universe, but from the marketing department themselves.

Read the full story on the Modern Marketing Blog.

As I mentioned earlier, more marketers than ever before are implementing marketing automation. Fortunately for them and for you, we took the guesswork out of marketing automation. Download Marketing Automation Simplified, which offers an introduction to the 5 Tenets of Modern Marketing, and breaks down the tips marketers need to automate and optimize.

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